Product Development Tools and Metrics

Learn to leverage metrics effectively, gaining insights that drive informed decision-making throughout the product lifecycle. 

About this Course

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential tools and metrics driving successful product development. Explore a toolkit of industry-leading software and methodologies, equipping you with the skills to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and optimize project outcomes. Dive into key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that matter, learning how to measure success and iterate effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned product manager or just starting in the field, this course provides the insights and tools to navigate the dynamic landscape of product development with confidence and precision.

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Course Outline

Getting Started
  • Lesson 1: Product Development Metrics - Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Predevelopment Tools
  • Lesson 3: During Development Tools
  • Lesson 4: Post Development Tools

Meet your Facilitator(s)

Toyin Voldo

Senior Product Manager Jira

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What is included

4 Lessons
1 hour+ self-paced content
Downloadable resources

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