Product Feature Prioritization Techniques

Learn proven ways to prioritise features during product development

About this Course

How do you currently determine the next feature to build during product development? Gut feeling, CEO/Founder instructions, bias towards a feature you have always liked in other products? There is a proven framework to help you decide the right features to work on per time for a product without relying too much on emotions or bias.

This course teaches you proven product feature prioritisation techniques to build and scale products more successfully as a product manager.

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Course Outline

Product Feature Prioritization Techniques

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: Rice Model

Lesson 3: Value vs Effort

Lesson 4: Story Mapping Model

Lesson 5: ROI-Score-Card-Model

Lesson 6: Cost of Delay Model

Lesson 7: Moscow Model

Lesson 8: Opportunity Scoring Model

Lesson 9: Kano-Model

Lesson 10: Key Takeaways

Meet your Facilitator(s)

Toyin Voldo

Senior Product Manager Jira

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What is included

50 mins+ of self-paced content
10 Lessons
Downloadable Resource
Certificate of completion

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