Product Marketing for Product Managers

This course provides a focused introduction to the essential strategies and tactics of product marketing. From honing your understanding of market dynamics to crafting compelling narratives, you’ll gain the skills needed to strategically position and promote your products.

About this Course

Enroll in our ‘Introduction to Product Marketing’ course, designed to elevate your strategic influence in the product development lifecycle. Tailored for product managers, this course provides a specialized introduction to the essential principles of product marketing. Explore how to craft compelling narratives, understand customer needs, and strategically position your products for success in the market. Whether you’re transitioning into a product marketing role or seeking to enhance your collaboration with marketing teams, this course equips you with the knowledge and skills to amplify the impact of your product management expertise through effective marketing strategies.

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Course Outline

What Exactly is Product Marketing
  • Lesson 1. What is Product Marketing?
  • Lesson 2: What is Growth Marketing
  • Lesson 3: Difference between Product Growth Marketing
  • Lesson 4: What product marketers need from product managers
  • Lesson 5: Case Study

Meet your Facilitator(s)

Toyin Voldo

Senior Product Manager Jira

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What is included

5 Lessons
1 hour+ self-paced content
Downloadable Course Material

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