Setting Up Analytics For Products

Learn how to set up analytics for products as a product manager.

About this Course

In most early stage startups, you are expected not just to know how to work with data but also to work closely with the development team in setting up an analytics dashboard and providing the key user events and metrics you want to measure. 


This course is a practical session that teaches you how to set-up analytics for products as a product manager.

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Course Outline

Setting Up Analytics For Products
  • Intro to key product analytics terms 
  • Setting up your first dashboard using Mixpanel 
  • Tracking events on dashboards 
  • Creating cohorts on dashboards 
  •  Properties on dashboards 
  • Quick Recap on setting up Mixpanel 
  • Fintech case study for analytics

Meet your Facilitator(s)

Toyin Voldo

Senior Product Manager Jira

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What is included

2 hour+ of self-paced content
7 Lessons
Downloadable Resource

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